Fact Check: Does This Photo Show Hillary Clinton With Dr. Ford’s Lawyer?


Clarifiction, Sept, 28, 2018: We have updated the headline to more specifically address the photograph in question, not of all potential ties between Debra Katz and Hillary Clinton.

Running with the caption “THIS STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN” the Facebook page “The SAGE PAGE” posted a photo incorrectly linking Dr. Christine Ford’s lawyer Debra Katz to Hillary Clinton.

Many fact checkers, journalists, and internet users have pointed out the incorrect caption, but this has not stopped the misinformation from spreading. The post, uploaded on Wednesday, has already garnered over 7,400 shares, hundreds of comments, and thousands of reactions. (TMZ also contributed to this widespread conspiracy.)

It’s one endless game of whack-a-mole.

A quick reverse-image search reveals that the women behind Clinton in that photo was her then-campaign photographer Barbara Kinney.

“This is an evil event constructed by the America Socialist party to take down Judge Kavanaugh period,” one user hypothesized, winning TWS Fact Check’s “Bonkers Conspiracy of the Day” award.*

The page that shared this link is oddly paired with a Belgium phone number. Their about page touts the almost satirical, “LOVE GOD. LOVE MY COUNTRY. LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP.”

It all comes down to one rule: Don’t trust internet memes.


*Given the current news cycle, this ranking is subject to change every hour on the hour. Also, this is not a real award.

If you have questions about this fact check, or would like to submit a request for another fact check, email Holmes Lybrand at [email protected] or the Weekly Standard at [email protected]. For details on TWS Fact Check, see our explainer here.

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